CASE STUDY: US STEEL FABRICATION & ERECTION INDUSTRY How a Steel Fabrication and Erection business was Acquired by a Family Office PE Firm


    About the client:

    Our client has “helping others” in her DNA.

    It began when she did missionary work in Uganda during and after college as well as India and Honduras.

    Client Situation:

    In 1995, our client started Dominion Steel, Inc., (DSI) a Steel Fabrication & Erection company. Over the next 25+ years, our client grew DSI from a rented 5,000 sf facility to a Client owned 33,000 sf facility and land.

    Our client served the Industrial, Commercial and Residential industries. Services included design (if needed) or work from architectural drawings provided by others at which point she would fabricate, deliver and if needed, erect. Our client served a multi-county, 2 state geography.

    Over the years our client became a classic “Lifestyle Company.”

    Several years ago, our client’s “helping others” DNA manifested itself by her establishing Compassion Animal RescuE (CARE) to rescue & place dogs from a multi-state area.

    CARE now has a 3,500 sf rehabilitation facility with a fenced, football field size, outdoor “run”, and rehabilitates and places 50 – 100 dogs per month.

    About 9 months ago, our client came to us and asked us to help her sell her business and lease her DSI facility to a Buyer so she could move onto her passion of rescuing dogs: CARE.

    The Solution:

    As a 19-year young M&A and Investment Bank Firm, we use a marketing mix that connects us to Financial Buyers, Strategic Buyers, Family Office Buyers and Entrepreneur Search Funds.

    Our marketing mix connected with a Buyer: Praetorian Holdings, a Family Office funded PE firm specializing in infrastructure and industrial companies. The Buyer was looking for a platform company and decided to use our Client as their platform company in the Steel Fabrication & Erection business.

    The Outcome:

    The Outcome was a successful sale of our client so she could move on to CARE.


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