PremiQaMed Cancer Center Vienna The new name in integrated oncology excellence

  • PremiQaMed private hospitals in Vienna announces the creation of a new integrated, medically high level service that is easily accessible to cancer patients from all over the world, including Romania.
  • PremiQaMed Cancer Center Vienna: Under this name, patients can discover the best possible interdisciplinary anti-cancer therapy according to international standards, quickly and without bureaucracy, in the Austrian capital.
  • PremiQaMed Cancer Center Vienna has an extensive network of renowned specialists, who are consulted on a case-by-case basis, as well as the exceptional diagnostic and treatment resources offered by the Vienna Private Hospitals “Confraternität”, “Döbling”, “Goldenes Kreuz” of the PremiQaMed Group.
  • In order to give patients a quicker access to the right team of specialists through a single coordinator, the new PremiQaMed Cancer Center Vienna will operate under the experienced guidance of Prof. Dr. Johannes Drach, Specialist in Haemato-Oncology and Internal Medicine, Medical Director of the Private Hospital “Confraternität”.

Bucharest, 19 September 2023PremiQaMed Cancer Center Vienna (PCCV)  is the name of the new integrated interdisciplinary cancer diagnosis and treatment centre of the PremiQaMed private hospitals, the high-performance healthcare network in the Austrian capital.

PCCV offers comprehensive diagnosis and therapy for adult patients, in particular for the following indications: breast cancer, prostate cancer, tumors of the digestive tract, lung cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, liver cancer, haemato-oncology, sarcomas.

Cancer treatment in Austria

Cancer research has a special importance and a long tradition in Austria.

Austria is one of the countries with very good chances for cancer patients – namely because of the high availability of new methods and modern drugs, as well as good hospital infrastructure.

Molecular biology research into the characteristics of tumour cells and tumour genes forms the basis of modern treatment strategies. Advances in science and medical practice have contributed to a significant improvement in the chances of cancer patients compared to 10 years ago. Long-term survival rates have improved considerably for most cancers. In more and more cases, even a permanent cure is possible.


PCCV relies on the latest imaging technologies, endocospic procedures, cooperation with specialized pathology laboratories and an interdisciplinary approach.

“Tumor profiling”

Using the latest molecular methods, “tumor profiling” allows accurate classification of tumors according to their molecular properties, which is the basis for personalized treatment.

Interdisciplinary Cooperation

Modern treatment of cancer diseases is based on close cooperation between different medical specialties such as oncology, radiology, surgery, pathology, radiation oncology (radiotherapy). This cooperation requires systematic coordination.

The PCCV has an extensive network of renowned specialists who are consulted on a case-by-case basis. Many of these specialists have international experience and participate in innovative scientific studies in the field of cancer research. This allows new scientific findings to be rapidly implemented in clinical practice.

Specialists discuss each case together in multidisciplinary oncology committees, the so-called Tumour Boards, and initiate the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

Modern drug therapy

Chemotherapy, antibody-targeted or molecular biology-based therapies or nuclear medicine are all modern treatment methods, and more and more patients can benefit from individualised cancer therapy (‘personalised medicine’).

Modern surgical methods

At the PremiQaMed hospitals minimally invasive surgery is applied in many cases. Major and very stressful operations are increasingly becoming a thing of the past.

“Second Opinion”

PCCV offers patients the possibility to verify the diagnosis based on the results of recently performed tests and investigations and, if necessary, a second histopathological diagnostic opinion of the tumour tissue with an accurate classification of the tumor.

The evaluation of all results of analyses and investigations and the development of therapy recommendations is carried out by an interdisciplinary team of renowned specialists.

The second medical opinion is offered both in hospital and remotely.

Cancer prevention and early detection

In the hospitals of the PremiQaMed Group in Vienna, special importance is attached to preventive medicine, which includes in particular the prevention and early detection of cancer by means of complex preventive medical investigations. All investigations can be carried out in the shortest possible time on an outpatient basis and appointments for this are organised without long waiting times.

Professional management

Professional case management is essential. It starts with accurate diagnosis and therapy planning.

Throughout the entire treatment process, patients are cared for at all times by a specialist who coordinates all necessary measures with other medical specialties and is available to patients as a contact person.

The PCCV attaches particular importance to cooperation with elite institutes in Vienna, such as special laboratories and institutes for radiotherapy. All necessary measures are organised by the PCCV and are available quickly.

Flexible organisation and personalised service

The PCCV offers oncology patients an interdisciplinary specialised centre where they can quickly receive competent medical support, clarification of their condition and treatment options based on the latest scientific knowledge.

International patients benefit from organisational and administrative support from the International Desk staff. The doctors at the PremiQaMed Group Hospitals in Vienna speak English, and if necessary, the service of an experienced translator can also be provided.

Initial discussions or consultations for a second medical opinion can also take place in the form of video consultations.

Thanks to the flexible structure, appointments can in most cases be made quickly.

Contact details of PremiQaMed Cancer Center Vienna (PCCV):

e-mail: [email protected]

phone: +43 1 36066-7500

More information is available here:

About PremiQaMed

PremiQaMed is a private hospital operator based in Austria, offering high-performance medical services. The group’s hospitals offer services at different levels: patients can check their diagnosis and receive a treatment plan from top specialists or undergo an entire treatment in hospital.

In the latter case, the attending physician will manage the treatment process, coordinate the involvement of specialists from other disciplines and be in constant contact with the patient as the main contact person. The close cooperation of leading experts, the rapid organisation of diagnostic and treatment procedures and the use of the latest diagnostic, surgical and therapeutic technologies are decisive factors in the successful treatment of cancer.

In addition, upon request, Romanian patients receive translators in their mother tongue at every step during their hospitalisation. Private hospitals in Austria enjoy an excellent reputation among Austrian and international patients for their medical services top quality care in an exclusive environment.

PremiQaMed Group has been successfully operating private hospitals for over 30 years. PremiQaMed hospitals provide high-level inpatient and outpatient medical treatment, focusing on excellent care, interdisciplinarity, high quality of services and flexible organisation. With the second highest number of doctors per 100,000 inhabitants in the European Union, Austria is now one of the leading destinations for medical tourism. According to the US International Trade Administration – Trade Office, Austria’s healthcare system includes 271 hospitals and clinics with about 64,800 available beds (7.4 beds/thousand inhabitants). About 64% of hospital beds are in general hospitals, 26.6% in specialised clinics and rehabilitation centres and 7% in sanatoriums or long-term care facilities.


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